Thursday, 3 November 2011

Alexander Wang bag season sales on oak for a few hours ....

It seems that almost everyone has a lanky, multi-zip, the anguish of ultra Alexander Wang bag last season, which obviously means it's time to update your collection with the new style. And again, we refer to the unattainable, ultra-nails, "Coco" bag that Mary-Kate Olsen has been toting around for months (of course). At $ 850, cheaper is not a fad, but has already sold on the website just hours after it appeared online of oak. We hope the butter soft leather black and gold studded hearty belly comes back in stock ... but meanwhile, if you hang around an extra large, you might consider picking one of the styles of new ones, as Eniko or Donna, updated black denim cool. There is no guarantee, however, that the Lower East Side will not be flooded for a couple of months.

Thursday, 3 November 2011 by Jhon Smith · 0